I found this song randomly while searching for “Afro-Cuban 6/8” and it came up on autoplay. But if you pay attention to the melodic phrasing and feel of playing in 6 during this song, you can see how my previous lesson and phrasing of the double diddle groove fits right into a random track that came up in that meter. That’s why I emphasize playing in 6 so much, and try to show ways to start getting the feel of it, and by using your rudiments to your advantage. Happy drumming, and that’s all for tonight! So, goodnight and I’ll see you on the next one!
double diddle: RLRLRRLRLRLL;
RL/LR = 1 beat and RR/LL = 1 beat. Therefore;
1 2 3 4 5 6
VOILA! You’re playing in 6 with a rudiment groove! 😉

Hopefully that helps the understanding of how you can use your rudiments to your advantage, and figure out how best to use them and in what metrics.

Take care everyone and have a great week ahead!


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