Finally got this Senior recital tape of mind digitalized. I’ve tech up a little and working on the editing since there is more to show from this special day back in Dec 84′ A whole program with Classical rep the first half then jazz, Afro-Cuban and Brazilian compositions and arrangements. I do have to say that this recital was one of the first to have the Classcial, Jazz, Afro -Cuban and Brazilian in one program at San Francisco State University. And probable one of the very few with that combination in other schools as well. Musician’s here my brother Jaime Aguilar Vocals Rumba dancer, Chalo Eduardo tres golpe,Rudy Ortiz Salidor, @ Michaelle Goerlitz paila, Laura Yanow clave, Susu P Bombo. I will be posting more on my new website etc. But in the mean time enjoy this classic where we were all in tuned. Special thanks to one my awesome teachers Rick Kvistad for being ahead of the game (as always as a player and a person) for shooting the video that day. Your the tops forever!

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