For over a year, Cardi B has been facing a lawsuit from the model Kevin Brophy Jr. over the appearance of his back tattoo on the cover of Cardiā€™s debut 2016 mixtape Gangsta Bitch Music Vol. 1. Brophy claimed that his likeness was used without his permission in ā€œa misleading, offensive, humiliating and provocatively sexual way.ā€ On Friday, a judge rejected Cardiā€™s argument that the image is protected under transformative fair use and ruled that the case will head to a jury trial, THR reports.

ā€œTo constitute a transformative fair use, the revised image must have significant transformative or creative elements to make it something more than mere likeness or imitation,ā€ U.S. District Court Judge Cormac Carney wrote. ā€œA reasonable jury in this case could conclude that there are insufficient transformative or creative elements on the GBMV1 cover to constitute a transformative use of Plaintiffā€™s tattoo.ā€

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