“I will have you even in death, little witch.  I am your beast. I am your madness. And you, you’re my afterlife.”

Gothikana by RuNyx is our first book by this Author and -wow- what an introduction! It was a feast of eerie darkness, a menacing atmosphere, steamy passion, and intriguing characters. We absolutely loved this gothic romance with an otherworldly feel. Compelling from start to finish with an addictive sinister undertone, Gothikana was literally on fire! In many ways, despite this not being paranormal, it reminded us of those types of paranormal books we used to love set at haunted boarding schools.

“You want to know who am? I am your madness. I’m in your head, in your blood, in your very veins. I’ve claimed you before anything else ever could. Your body, your heart, your mind, your fucking soul, it’s all mine. Your hunger is mine to feed, your madness is mine to tame.”

It all begins with a prophecy by an old blind woman about an old castle, many deaths, and purple eyes. The castle is the magnificently gated and hidden Verenmore Castle, a University that sits high on a hill shrouded in legends of the strange and mysterious. Steeped in rumours of violence, death, and disappearances. Hiding macabre secrets and a sinister darkness. At the heart of the castle is the enigmatic, menacing and ‘devil-like’, Professor Vad Deverell. A striking man who lives in the shadows and fills every room he enters with a darkness and that compelling sexual magnetism of danger and uncontrolled heat. The unique, endearing, and introverted, Corvina Clemm never stood a chance when she was invited to join the University. Two complex souls collide in this dark and erotic, almost fairy-tale-like story as they try to unravel a mystery of legends.

“You’re the mountain I build my castle on, brick by brick,” she whispered to him, her eyes stinging. “You stand, I soar. You crack, I crumble.”

The connection between a dark compelling anti-hero with the silver streak in his hair and the purple-eyed raven-haired heroine was intense, their sexual chemistry singed the pages. This fabulously written haunting story swallowed us whole, although we do wish that some of the loose ends had been tied up! Gothikana is filled with passion, suspense, drama, and heat; we highly recommend this standalone. Just be mindful of the Author’s trigger warnings, also stay away from spoiler reviews, as the twists will knock you sideways!

“Witch,” he murmured…
“Devil,” She breathed…

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