• One More Round by Alice Clayton (romantic comedy, follow up to Wallbanger) goes live at midnight!! — Simon and Caroline have it all. A gorgeous restored Victorian house in Sausalito, flourishing careers, an eternal spark for each other, and a cat with more attitude than is legal in the state of California. So what’s plaguing the couple of the century? They’ve got everything anyone could wish for, except…a family. After a few close calls, Simon and Caroline are coming to terms with the idea that being parents might not be in the cards for them. They’ve been married several years, and they’re realizing it may just be the two of them, forever. Which is ok, right? Caroline is considering a major career change, Simon is working more than ever, things are falling into place, without a baby rattle. But just when you think your life is set, the universe gives you a…twist.”
  • Take Me Away by Kelly Elliot goes live at midnight!! — “Life-risking adventures are not just a hobby for me, not just a way to pass the time. I need the adrenaline rush like I need my next breath. I’m addicted to it. It’s the only thing that allows me to bury my painful past—even if only for as long as it takes for me to come down from the high. All that matters is that I’m able to forget. And every heart-stopping moment of it was working…at least, until she appeared back in my life. Both my worst nightmare and my wildest dream all wrapped up in one beautiful woman…a woman I was still very much in love with. And that’s not the worst part… She has no idea who I am. She has no idea how intertwined our terrible pasts are—and for that, she is lucky. She doesn’t remember the night when everything important in her life, everything that she lived for, was taken from her by the man who promised he would always protect her. That man was me. To love her is to forget she ever existed in my world.”
  • Let It Be by Marie Force goes live this week!! — “Fresh out of college with a psychology degree, Molly Stillman was searching for the meaning of life by taking a summer volunteer gig building houses. The meaning in Molly’s life became apparent when her path crossed Lincoln Abbott’s. With his brand-new Yale MBA in hand, Linc was Mississippi bound, ready to spend the summer rebuilding houses after a devastating hurricane. He had a plan, lots of them, actually. But after meeting Molly, he realized plans have a way of showing you who’s boss.”

RECENT RELEASE: Dream Chaser by Kristen Ashley (Dream Team #2) 
I’ve been loving this KA series and this newest release is now live!! — “Ryn Jansen has no interest in taking a risk on Boone Sadler. Thanks to a long list of men who’ve done nothing but let her down, Ryn vows to stay far away from the caring, protective commando. And when Boone confronts Ryn with evidence that her loved ones are conning her, Ryn is less than thrilled — with her family and Boone. But even as Boone proves he’s the kind of guy to meet her every need, she doesn’t trust him to stay when life gets hard… Boone Sadler’s never been one to back down from a challenge. He’s determined to show the funny, sexy Ryn that the irresistible connection between them is worth exploring. But caring for Ryn’s heart and body becomes a matter of life and death when Ryn’s beloved niece and nephew are put in danger and dirty cops begin gunning for Ryn. Soon Boone realizes their romance is in danger of more than heartbreak — and to have any future together, they’ll have to put their trust in each other.” — Be sure to grab a copy of Dream Chaser (new release) or start the series with Dream Maker!







Let me know if there are any other books you’re loving right now too!!


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