Netflix's Hollywood: Fact vs. Fiction

Netflix’s Hollywood: what they got right and what they got wrong.
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Hollywood has presented us with a look at the titular land of glitz and glam in a way that many of us haven’t ever experienced. But how real is the story the series presented us? What is fact, and what is fiction?

You’d be surprised just how much of this show is pretty close to reality. Sure, things are definitely fictionalized. Obviously the main character didn’t actually exist, and any of you film historians out there are probably well aware that things during the 20th Academy Awards didn’t quite go the way they apparently did on the show.

However, a lot of the people who we see, and the situations that they find themselves in, are either straight up true to life, or so close to how things actually were back in the day that it’s pretty close to passable.

So of course, in this video, we are going to be taking a look at a handful of different aspects of the series and how things close to reality they really were. Because of the nature of this video, there are definitely going to be spoilers ahead. So if you haven’t watched this fantastic Netflix drama yet, I’d highly recommend you go do that instead of watching this. You can always come back to this video afterwards. I’ll be waiting for ya!

Ok! With all that out of the way, let’s hop into our time machines and take a trip back, to the golden age of cinema.

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