From: Mel Ottenberg

Show: Saint Laurent

When/Where: Tuesday, September 28 at 8 P.M.

Sent: 1:26 AM


“So, Saint Laurent… Voice Notes. It’s cold here… I didn’t bring a coat, I don’t know why. I guess I thought it was just going be, like, summer forever. Anyway, Saint Laurent. You should know that I basically AM a catsuit from the ‘80s—I know that about myself. I’ve been really into catsuits lately, and I’ve been doing them a lot because they’re fun, and as Anthony Vaccarello showed us tonight, they’re “Fabulous at Any Age.”

I do believe that a main part of my story IS Anja Rubik’s outfit at this show. For better or worse, it’s my personality, like it or not. Add those totally evil, bug-eye black YSL ‘80s sunglasses that they showed on Freja, and you’ve really got me in a nutshell. I think this outfit is giving today, but it’s also totally giving this ‘80s Helmut Newton, L.A. woman, New Wave Hookers, fuck the haters, we do what we want kind of tea. It’s a lot of codes, babe. I was into it. Also, there’s definitely a Terry’s Diary vibe in there that the kids seem to be into now. Also that dark powdery red lip and also a J.T. LeRoy girl in disguise wearing a misshapen wig but in all Saint Laurent thing. I don’t know, there’s like a lot of herstory coming up for me in this show, you know what I mean?”

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