Spoken Word Video Poem by Carlton Carr
This love story is based on true events. Names and dates have been omitted to protect the innocent.

The lock of hair that you gave me
has been lost
but I still have the memory
of your long finger nails
painted to match the crimson
of your lips
and your dark eyeliner
heavily applied
that made you look like a Hollywood movie star
you were the misty colors of autumn
and I was your teenage lover

Your love letters are carefully wrapped in tissue
tied in ribbon
and kept in my box of memories
along with the seven singles that we danced to
and some old photographs

You wrote
‘give me two years of your life and I would be happy’
I replied ’I’ll give you twenty and we would still want more’
(decades seem like eternities when you’re seventeen)
those words were a prophecy that turned out to be true
and now I would give anything
for just two more hours with you

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