‘Although you and I have different backstories, I guess I’ve been resisting the possibility of a first love in the same way that you’ve been resisting the possibility of a second.’

Kayley Loring has done it again! We love, love, love her stories! And we LOVE, LOVE, LOVED this book! What’s not to love in The Love Interest? Our reading tastes were certainly sated with this book.  Let’s see, there was:

Age Gap
Loveable heroine
Grouchy gorgeous hero
Sizzling chemistry
Forbidden love
Fabulous secondary characters
3 stories in one (you’ll understand when you read the book)
A story that made us grin with delight from ear to ear.

‘Even years from now, I doubt that I’ll be able to string a bunch of words together to describe how good it feels to be kissed by him like this.’

We always look forward to a new book by Kayley Loring because she never disappoints.  She injects just enough drama to make our hearts flip flop, whilst having us in fits of riotous laughter, and her ability to perfectly push and pull our emotions with the vulnerability of her characters really hits our hearts.

‘Here is a young woman with a cautious heart, and I feel connected to it somehow. Not the woman, but the cautious heart. There’s an unspoken, involuntary camaraderie between the broken-hearted.’

35-year-old Emmett Ford is a NYT bestselling author of the hugely successful action thriller series Jack Irons, with his books already turned into a movie franchise with Ryan Gosling playing the macho protagonist Jack Irons. Yes, Emmett has it all, but love is something he avoids. Following the death of his fiancée over ten years ago, Emmett promised himself he’d never fall in love and risk that sort of heartache ever again. One thing Emmett does need is inspiration – his character Jack Irons, needs to find love.

‘My protagonist needs a woman. I don’t need a woman. I need inspiration.’

25-year-old Fiona Walker has moved from California to New York to further her writing career and hopefully finish the historical romance she’s currently writing. Fiona needs inspiration too. Since landing in New York her man pickings have been slim, so the inspiration for her character William Dexter has dried up. Fiona has never known the love of a man, Emmett has loved and lost – they may be different, but in other ways, so similar.

‘Prologues before bros. That’s my motto.’

Two authors meet in a diner. A cliché? Maybe, but that’s how it went down, and that’s where all the flirty fun begins, not only that but Fiona (and Emmett) are going to get the shock of their lives when Emmett turns out to be a substitute professor in Fiona’s creative writing class.

‘I would ruin my life and everyone else’s for this woman right now.’

This book is hot, flirty, sweet, and swoony fun. You don’t want to miss this one! We didn’t want it to end! We loved Fiona and Emmett and their madcap friends and family. The dual POV’s were beautifully in sync, and watching Fiona bring out the romantic in the gruff Emmett, made our hearts flutter. She may seem scatty, but she’s every bit as sharp as Emmett. The way Kayley Loring delivers her humour is comedic timing at its best – she’s hilarious! We would’ve loved a little more time with Emmett and Fiona and a little less with their characters, but that’s a small gripe in what was a fantastic read. The epilogue both bewildered and delighted us and giggling like crazy ha-ha!


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