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– Talking Verve: Roots of Acid Jazz

Talking Verve: Roots of Acid Jazz

jazz boogaloo – lou donaldson – alligator boogaloo, live 1970.
ıvan “boogaloo joe” jones – ıntroducing the psychedelic soul jazz guitar of joe jones (full album). latın jazz funk boogaloo – compilation n°2. lou donaldson quintet – alligator bogaloo.

boogaloo joe jones psychedelic jazz guitar 1967 full album lp. “latin music power” boogaloo & latin 60’s on vinyl! ıvan “boogaloo” joe jones – my fire! latinement soul ‘ afro cuban latin jazz and boogaloo ‘.

I love lots of new jazz/funk/hiphop. there are great innovators in the new schools of fusion that combine hard beats with good lyrics all while using live artists to keep connected to where their music came from.
the artists may respect their roots, but not enough listeners do. thats why albums like this are so important, to show curious listeners where the music they love sprang from.
and jimmy smith definately had a strong hand in acid jazz and funk.
this album is a great look at his verve years, and contains tracks from a ten year span of 1963 to 1972. in general much more upbeat than albums like “the sermon” from the late 50s this retrospective gives you the cream of jimmy.
it shows his funky side on tracks like “funky broadway” and “I cant get no satisfaction” but also the larger big band and strings sound on “one mint julep” and “hobo flats.” there are a few tracks that initially dont seem to match some of the others, but then jimmy tears up the organ and makes the track all the more rewarding.
definately a good buy if youre looking to get into jimmy smith.
The music of Jimmy Smith sampled on this CD (as well as that of his contemporaries) has been so widely influential in the years since, that it can be easy to miss the originality these recordings exhibited in their time.
The contemporary listener may find some of these tracks downright corny, since Jimmys grooves have been exploited to the point of being turned into cliches.
After a track or two, though, the smooth, percolating rhythms become irresistible. Jimmys organ and his turn-on-a-dime bands seem to be codifying the riffs that become the abcs of funk.
Thats why youll hear this sound in everything from Sinatra to Chuck Brown to Cibo Matto.
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Talking Verve: Roots of Acid Jazz

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