VILLA shares genre-defying depth with a new, self-released single “In My Head” featuring Navyhue. Not only is the song a standout single, it brings awareness to an health concern close to heart.

Production-wise, “In My Head” expresses a vast range of emotion with open and honest lyrics, dramatic percussion and horns, all brought to full scale through VILLA’s musicality and vibrant energy. Upon first listening to the track, we instantly fell in love with it — but there’s a deeper meaning she hopes to bring to light.

There’s a story behind every song, and this one reflects the producer’s recent battle with tinnitus, in hopes the track will bring awareness to the problem. Tinnitus is a symptom associated with hearing loss, typically caused by over-exposure to loud sounds, which results in the perception of noise or ringing in the ears.

VILLA shares in her own words:

I didn’t know what tinnitus was when I first entered the scene. Learning to cope with this very misunderstood now-permanent condition has been one of the hardest, depressing, and most anxiety-inducing things I’ve ever had to learn how to do and this song is a reflection of some of my darkest times along this journey.

“In My Head” is out now. If you’re hearing this, remember to please protect your ears.

VILLA – In My Head (feat. Navyhue)

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