We are desperate, in these uncertain times, to find something stable to hold onto, and yet there is so much about the future that is still unknown. What will Joe Biden’s America look like? for example. When will the pandemic end? Will there ever be a third season of Succession?  

There is, however, one thing that we can now be absolutely certain of: Lady Gaga Oreos are coming. In January, they will be here. They will be available, for a limited time only, in six-cookie packs at convenience stores. These are the kinds of concrete facts we crave.

Inspired by her most recent album, Chromatica, the vanilla-flavored Chromatic Oreos are “bright pink with green crème filling and feature various embossments inspired by the album,” CNN reports. One of them has a Chromatica–inspired heart. Another one has a Chromatica–inspired imprint of the word “OREO.”

Lady Gaga herself confirmed the cookies’ existence by posting an informative video to Twitter of herself and one of her French bulldogs (Koji, b. 2015) tearing open a package of the Technicolor morsels, and then waving them in the air to illustrate their definitive existence. Koji is intrigued.

“They decided it might be a good idea to have a Chromatica Oreo,” Lady Gaga says, expressing her enthusiasm for this venture by not sitting up. Still in repose, she explains that they are pink and green. You cannot argue. They are pink. They are also green.

We don’t know exactly when in January the Gagoreos will drop, but if you would like to join the Lady Gaga x OREO Stan Club, they will be sure to keep you abreast of the evolving situation as further details unfold, which will, again, begin sometime in January.

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