Ela Minus has shared the video for her song “N19 5NF,” the opener of her 2020 album acts of rebellion. She also teased part of a new, unnamed track in the video’s opening club scene. Check out the video, shot in Mexico City and directed by Losmose, below.
The song takes its title from the London ZIP code of a hospital where Ela spent two days in the ICU. “It’s where I believe my life before this album ended and a new life began,” she said in a press release. Of the video, she said: “I found that through the making of this song and video, reality was transfigured. It illuminated it and revealed its true grinning monstrous teeth. Through this transfiguration I was able to find a voice, not a discourse, but a personal voice looking for an ear or an eye to meet. This video is important because of my own story and the empowerment it can give to others through my way of telling it.”
In September, Ela Minus performed at Pitchfork Music Festival 2021. Last year, she remixed Buscabulla’s “Vámono.”
Check out Pitchfork’s feature “Ela Minus Makes Techno-Pop for Everyday Rebellion.”
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