Julia Fox called us from bed this afternoon and in a breathless whisper commanded our attention. It’s easy to forget that she was once a dominatrix until she has you on the phone bending to her will. 

JULIA FOX: I think I’m going to call you about my date nights weekly, maybe bi-weekly. How does that sound? 


FOX: Okay. I’ll send pictures, I’ll tell you stories. And you’ll publish them. 

INTERVIEW: Alright. 

FOX: Let’s call it “This Week in Fox News.”

INTERVIEW: You’re insane. 

FOX: You love it. 

INTERVIEW: Where are you right now? 

FOX: L.A. 

INTERVIEW: What are you wearing today? 

FOX: Right now I’m fully naked. I just got back to mine, and I’m wearing yesterday’s makeup. The earrings are Balenciaga. [Laughs]

INTERVIEW: Are you wearing any perfume, Julia?

FOX: No, I haven’t worn perfume in such a long time. I’m all about natural pheromones.

INTERVIEW: Tell us about your night on Wednesday.

FOX: Delilah. I had a date with Madonna, but obviously I invited Ye because they know each other, they work together, and they respect each other as artists. Then Floyd Mayweather, Antonio Brown, and a bunch of other people showed up. So obviously we had to do a photo shoot.

INTERVIEW: Obviously. Who made your Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! outfit?

FOX: That was custom. My stylists Peri Rosenzweig and Briana Andalore designed it with Ye’s direction. They understood the assignment and they turned me out.

INTERVIEW: Russ Meyer’s  Vixen. Have you ever seen the movie?

FOX: Yeah, when I was like 16. 

INTERVIEW: What did you eat at Delilah?

FOX: I kept getting up, and every time I came back, what I ordered became something else. I ended up eating a Caesar salad.

INTERVIEW: Were you obsessed?

FOX: I wasn’t obsessed with the Caesar salad. How could you be obsessed with a Caesar salad when you’re sitting next to fucking Madonna?

INTERVIEW: How’s the relationship with Ye evolving?

FOX: You know, I’m so used to being fucked over in relationships, so I keep waiting for him to disappoint me, because he makes very grandiose promises, and it’s like, “How could he ever pull it off with all the other things he has going on?” But he always does. Last night was a testament to that.

INTERVIEW: Do you feel like you’re a muse?

FOX: I’ve always been someone’s muse.

INTERVIEW: What does being a muse mean to you?

FOX: You’re either born a muse, or you’re not. 

INTERVIEW: What do you see as your destiny right now?

FOX: Right now, the vibes I’m getting are very much about tolerance, kindness, and love. I’m canceling cancel culture and putting an end to this black-and-white thinking. People shouldn’t be defined by their darkest moment. As humans, we commit violence to each other, we police each other. We’ve created such a hostile environment, especially on the internet. That’s why I don’t read the headlines. 

INTERVIEW: You don’t read. Do you not read the comments?

FOX: No. And that’s why I feel like I’m a really good candidate for this position, because a lot of people in my shoes would probably be reading the comments and freaking out. I’m not trying to have everybody love me, I’m just trying to connect with people that are like-minded.

INTERVIEW: So, what was last night like?

FOX: I didn’t really know what was going on. I was just given an address, and it was to this enormous futuristic warehouse in downtown L.A. We went inside, through this tunnel, into a huge room with dim lights. Ye loves to play with light and darkness. He decided to put on Zola, and I was like, “There’s no way that everyone’s going to just stop and watch the movie.” Thirty seconds in, everyone there stopped talking and started watching, yelling commentary, and laughing. Dave Chappelle fucking loved it. It was such a special moment, to include Zola in our narrative.

INTERVIEW: What does Zola mean for your narrative?

FOX: I think it was a moment that he felt really inspired by something that I had shown him. We watched Zola the second time we hung out. From Zola, it was Slave Play in, New York, and now we’re here. 

INTERVIEW: Who was there last night?

FOX: Dave Chappelle, Marilyn Manson, Naomi Campbell, the actor from the new Batman, Cam’ron, Jack Donoghue from Salem, Andrew Richardson from Richardson magazine, Richie Shazam, all my friends came. Richie ate sashimi with Marilyn Manson and they had a really nice heart-to-heart.

INTERVIEW: What were you wearing?

FOX: I was wearing Diesel, and a Balenciaga bag and boots. The moto pants are Diesel and the top is Margiela. 

INTERVIEW: What did you do after the movie?

FOX: There was a music video shoot, a Pusha T video shoot. Ye did his thing because he’s in the song with Pusha. Then we went back to the hotel and the paparazzi have been following me ever since.

INTERVIEW: If you had to describe the paparazzi as an animal or a creature, how would you describe them?

FOX: They’re like parasites, or some sort of virus you catch. 

INTERVIEW: What do you and Ye talk about when you’re alone?

FOX: Ideas. That’s what’s so exciting about being in the vicinity of someone who’s operating at the level that he is. These seemingly crazy ideas, he can make them come to life. 


INTERVIEW: What’s the wildest thing he’s dreamed up that you’ve seen come to life between you two?

FOX: My transformation. After meeting him, a couple days later, all my shit was in boxes, gone. It was so cathartic. It wasn’t like I was just packing up my old clothes, it was like I was packing up my old life. I was like making that very conscious decision to really put everything in the box. To let go of the past.

INTERVIEW: We’re learning on Fox News that you boxed your life up and you’re in Ye world now?

FOX: Yeah, let’s be honest. Why not?

INTERVIEW: That’s what we do on Fox News.

FOX: I’m really surrendering. For someone like me who’s such a control freak and always so used to taking care of myself, to just let go and be taken care of is foreign at this point in life. I’ve been the primary caretaker of everyone for so long, so it’s a new sensation, but honestly, I think I deserve it. Even a month ago, I was so fucking like…not getting along with my son’s father, or not having help. It was just me alone. I was so tired and everything was work. I just remember being like, “I know that there’s going to be a reward for this, like this is so fucking miserable that I know that I know something good will come of this if I just hang in there.” And then a few days later there I am with Ye, and it was the most instant natural organic attraction and connection. I just feel really safe with him. It’s a redemption story.


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