• Reel by Kennedy Ryan just went live!! — “One moment in the spotlight… For months I stood by, an understudy waiting in the wings, preparing for my time to shine. I never imagined he would watch in the audience that night. Canon Holt. Famous film director. Fascinating. Talented. Fine Before I could catch my breath, everything changed. I went from backstage Broadway to center stage Hollywood. From being unknown, to my name on everyone’s lips. he casts me in a star-studded biopic, catapulting me into another stratosphere. But stars shine brightest in the dead of night. Forbidden attraction, scandal and circumstances beyond my control jeopardize my dream. Could this one shot—the role of a lifetime, the love of a lifetime—cost me everything?”
  • When You’re Mine by Layla Hagen just went live!! — “He knows what he wants: to take New York by storm and steer clear of serious relationships… Nothing is getting in the way of that—not even his gorgeous personal trainer. After the way his last relationship ended, he’s sworn off romance. She keeps talking him into doing things, like watching the sunset and slowing down to enjoy life. Her smile is addictive, and so is her permanent sunny disposition… She’s faced a few challenges. But she loves looking on the bright side of life and she’s determined to get him to do the same…”
  • Friends with Benedicts by Staci Hart just went live!! — “Timing is everything. They are no strangers to goodbye. Their high school summers were spent wrapped up in each other until she would inevitably go home to California. One season after college, he finally escaped the little Texas town to travel the world, and they said goodbye for what they thought might be the last time. He went one way. She went the other. For the first time in five years, they’re both in town, but the timing is no better than ever. So the only thing to do is what they do best. Keep it casual. Friends with benefits. They’ve done it before—doing it again will be easy. But their hearts don’t get the memo…”
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