[PART 34]

Appendix B: Executive Briefing Papers, 1901-1920


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(C)For many years our best scientific minds failed to agree on most conditions to be found on Mars. There was no consensus, until after the war, that Mars was even inhabited, which clearly points to the absolute impoverished body of scientific information we had on the second nearest planet to Earth (Venus orbits closer). Most agreed however, that with the thin veil of reliable information we did posses that Mars would prove to be a very unfriendly place for any advanced life forms from Earth. Vegetation seemed to be the only form most would agree upon which could possibly survive on the surface. DLT

(C)At the turn of the century astronomer Garrett P. Serviss wrote of canals and the possibility of an ancient Martian race well in advance of humanity.

Whether the theory that the canals of Mars really are canals is true or not, at any rate there can now be no doubt as to the existence of the strange lines which bear that designation. The suggestion has been offered that their builders may no longer be in existence. Mars having already passed the point in its history where life must cease upon its surface… Mars is, perhaps, at a more advanced stage of development than the Earth. If we accept this view then, provided there was originally some resemblance between Mars’ life forms and those of the Earth, the inhabitants of that planet would, at every step probably be in front of their terrestrial rivals, so that at the present time they should stand well in advance.

(C)Even when canals were spotted by Italian Professor Giovanni Schiaparilli in 1877 during a close approach between Earth and Mars and examined in detail by Professor Percival Lowell from his observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, and confirmed in 1889 by astronomer Charles A. Young, doubt about intelligent life on Mars lingered. The latest information shows that there are four areas on the surface of Mars presently occupied by Martians: Hellas Regio, Chryse Regio, Tharsis Montes, and Australis Thalus. Professor Lowell was able to show that Mars was not a world with sustainable oceans, but one in its death throes. Its oceans and seas have long since dried in the thin atmosphere. The majority of its available water is thought to be locked in its polar caps. These caps are melted in the spring and summer months in order to transport the life giving fluid to crops and inhabitants along the equatorial regions. From there it is transported by canal to the four ancient above ground Martian cities. The cities themselves are surrounded by lush growing regions of red vegetation beyond which one finds only desert. Seasonal color changes were reported during the 1892 and 1894 oppositions, a clear indication of extended surface vegetation. Small dark patches appear to be oases but it is not known if these oases are populated or simply unused wetter areas. RMG

From the time of Sir William Herschel the almost universal belief among astronomers has been that these gleaming polar patches on Mars are composed of snow and ice, like the similar glacial caps of the Earth, and no one can look at them with a telescope and not feel the liveliest interest in the planet to which they belong, for they impart to it an appearance of likeness to our globe which at first glance is all but irresistible. GPS

(S)There are also thought to be extended underground facilities, but detailed information on these areas is mostly conjecture at this time. Interviews are expected to allow us to expand our information on these points. Professor Earl C. Slipher is presently charting the canal system as well as drafting up a detailed map of Mars, which will include all above

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ground facilities, which can be identified at this time as well as all major geologic features. The first primary maps drawn of Mars date from 1840 to 1877. Within a year the spectroscopic signature of water was identified in the Martian atmosphere. Since the mid-1870s yellow dust clouds have been observed on Mars originally by Eugene M. Antoniadi showing the planet to be mostly a vast forbidding desert. At times these storms cover almost 98% of the planet’s surface. There seems to be good reason to believe that Mars has become a parched desert in a short period of time representing a now old dying world. PL

(S)First observation data on Mars comes from ancient Egyptian astronomers dated from 1534 B.C.E. By that period the Egyptians had identified the familiar retrograde motions of the planet. Mars is also drawn on the ceiling of the tombs of several pharos including Seti I and Ramses II. Clearly the Egyptians for many years have identified with planet Mars. The planet was worshipped as a god, but this may be a misunderstanding – the Martians themselves may have been the ones thought to have been gods. The modern city of Cairo seems to have served as a special place for the Martians long past. This was shown during the recent war as the Martians refused to use their weapons on any ancient structures in this ancient city or on the canals. AE

(C)The highest atmospheric pressure presently found on Mars is located in the Hellas Planita at 11.55 millibars. It is felt that with great difficulty Martians can live for short periods of time in that low lying area.

(U) Comparison Characteristics – Mars/Earth

Average distance from Sun141.3 million miles92.9 million miles
Length of day24 hours, 37 minutes23 hours, 56 minutes
Length of year (orbital)687 (Earth) days365.24 days
Surface gravity0.38 (Earth)1.00
Diameter4,210 miles7,920 miles
Average surface temp.-9 degrees F.72 degrees F.
Moons2 (small)1 (large)
Escape velocity3.2 miles per second7.0 miles per second
Atmospheric pressure6.4 millibars1 bar
Atmospheric gases,*
Carbon Dioxide 96.5%0.03%
Water vapor0.06%1.6%

*Levels underground and in domed cities have been estimated at 40% Carbon Dioxide, 25% Nitrogen, 15% Oxygen with atmospheric pressure at .72 bars. Certainly these levels must be maintained artificially.

**These percentages were based upon the combination of gases found onboard one of the Martian flying craft captured after the war with its gases intact.

(S) From Martian Hybrid interrogations we have learned that for the past 35,000 [Earth] years Mars’ orbit has been eccentric causing the planet to move away from the Sun due to the gravitational effects of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. Earth may also move.

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 (C) The secular cooling that must someday overtake our planet has already gone far indeed with our neighbor. Its physical condition is still largely a mystery, but we know now that even in its equatorial region the midday temperature barely approaches that of our coldest winter. Surface temperatures run from a low of –87o C during the Martian winters at the Poles to a high of –5o C in the summer seasons at the equator. Its air is much more attenuated than ours, its oceans had shrunk [to little or nothing], and as slow seasons change huge snowcaps gather and melt about either pole. Being some 1-1/2 times as far from the Sun as the Earth, the planet receives only 43% of the solar radiation available to our planet. That last stage of exhaustion, which to us is still incredibly remote, has become a present-day problem for the inhabitants of Mars. HGW

 (S)Martian A population (clearly the ruling class) is estimated to be from 3-4 million and not more than 6 million at best. Two million Grays are thought to be on Mars. The number of humans held hostage is unknown however they must number in the thousands. Obviously there is absolutely nothing we can do to rescue any of these humans and they must be considered lost. None of these individuals has been positively identified. It has been estimated that at least 50% of the humans presently on Mars were born on that planet. DLT

(S)The Martian moon Phobos appears to have a strange orbital path. It seems to be gradually lowering its orbit. If this continues it will certainly impact the Martian surface or break up into a ring of material in low Martian orbit. This could indicate that the moon was recently captured by the planet. Other workers are investigating the possibility that the moon is not a natural body, but an artificial body. AS

(C)The largest known volcano in the solar system is located on Mars. This shield volcano named Olympus Mons (Mount Olympus) rises 27km above the surface. Thought to be extinct this mountain is over three times higher than Mount Everest. The largest natural canal known as Agathadaemon is over 4,000km long and as deep as 7km. For the Martians the 700km long canal Ma’ adim Vallis was of great importance as it was the longest natural canal used by the Martians to transport water before they began to build artificial canals. There is evidence of massive flooding along the Ma’ adim Vallis.

(S)Verification on many of these points will come only after extended interrogation of captive Martians or from any electrical records they may have kept in their machines.


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(MS) Back engineered work on Martian war equipment is progressing at several laboratories and test facilities. Both above and below ground facilities are presently in operation. It is expected all back engineering work will be moved to and conducted exclusively in underground facilities (excepting large scale tests) within the next twenty-four months. At present 25 of the 51 facilities are located underground. Security at all facilities is very tight requiring a clearance level of at least Most-Secret for entry. Highest level conducted is Cosmic-Most-Secret-CoT and is thus required for access to all areas being studied. Code names on all projects are classified and are referred to only by number codes. Generally, access to projects is limited to individuals actively involved in these areas with the exception of Directorate leadership. JDR

 (S) Focusing on war related products and activities the following areas are being given top priority in back engineering Martian technology advances. NT

Aero-surfaces – Generally stated aero-surfaces do not play any role in Martian flying technology. More work is needed in this area. Gliding into the Earth’s atmosphere is directed by manipulation of the entire craft rather than surface structures.

Propulsion Systems – As of this writing we have been unable to discover the nature of the propulsion system used on the Martian Flying Machines.

Electric Documents – As of this time these are no paper or related Martian documents. All documents are stored electronically needing specific machines to display these documents. When displayed they are being photographed in order to aid in translation.

Black Smoke – It has been discovered that Black Smoke attacks the blood system to deadly effect (copper related). Work is now being conducted to create this chemical grouping and by duplication have a new weapon as well as a tool in order to find a way to defeat the Black Smoke. Fire seems the best method.

Heat Ray – This deadly device has been turned on however we do not as yet have any control over the device and do not have a working understanding of its power source.

New Metals – Several new metals have been discovered. Their properties and possible uses are under investigation. It is likely we will be able to reproduce these materials in the near future and based upon their uses by the Martians be able to put them to use on many Earth-based military products.

Walking Systems – Probably the most advanced devices deployed by the Martians are the Walking Machines. At this point in time we have been able to disassemble several of these machines and it is felt we will be able to duplicate this technology in the future. Teams have been able to get several of the Walkers to move, but we have yet to have any substantial controlled movement.

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Tunnel Machines – In work. We have not as yet been able to operate any of the three Tunnel Machines abandoned by the Martians. They seem to work on an entirely different set of devices than the Flying Machines.

General Flight – Martian flying machines do not have any external surface devices used to direct their craft as with Earth flying machines. Once again, manipulation appears to come from the direction of the entire craft controlled by an as yet unknown internal source. Adaptation to future Earth aero-craft may not be possible for many years.

Optics – There are a wide variety of optics and optical devices used by the Martians. Many of their control devices use optical screens which seem to be able to display a great deal of information. Electrical connectors using thin wire-like glass threads to “talk to” each other are in use throughout their machines.

Communication Devices – Electric communication devices are onboard every Walking and Flying Machine. We have yet to use them in any meaningful manner. Their communication devices do not use vacuum tubes. Control appears to come from a series of ‘plug-in” devices with a good many layers of gold and copper ribbons impressed on a dark non-metal flat plate.

Rockets – Used to deploy Black Smoke, there do not appear to be a large use of explosive devices attached to rockets. Rocket power for their Flying Machines has yet to be discovered if in fact it is used by the Martians.

Seismic Devices – Certainly one of their most destructive devices these geo-weapons appear to come in at least three strengths used to disturb volcanic areas and Earth quake zones. All three of these devices are known to be deployed by airborne Martian craft in sets of three. A search is presently being conducted to discover as many of these devices as can be located for back-engineering experiments.



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(MS-CoT) Directorate C has established a new control center in Lower-New York (code named “Star Light”) as well as a new southern control center in Lower-Sydney (coded named “Star Bright”) to track and investigate all reports of strange aerial craft and cases of mass human abductions. The new northern group will also investigate reports of individual abductions or missing persons cases related to reports of strange aerial craft. The Central Aerial Investigation Group (CAIG) will be under Directorate C and will report directly to the ‘Prince’ of the Directorate (Operational details are found in CAIG Operations Manual 6-1 TS-CoT). GD

(MS-CoT) Objective-Primary: The primary objective of this new group is to establish a base of information in order to learn as much as possible about these incidents and to formulate operational plans to defeat these aerial craft and end these abductions. This group will coordinate its efforts with Tango security as well as other internal Committee intelligence services only when required. Further – the CAIG is to deploy agents throughout the world with the primary task of gathering data central to any unknown aerial phenomena. No intelligence organizations outside of the Committee will be actively engaged in this organizations work. No information gathered will be shared with any individual, group, nation or organization outside of the Committee unless authorized by Magic.

(MS-CoT) Objective-Secondary: The secondary objective of this group is to capture, if the opportunity presents itself by any means available, a living Martian A or Martian B. Facilities are to be constructed which will allow the holding and study of any captured Martian. CAIG operatives will coordinate these activities with Tango Command.

(S) None of the CAIG field investigators will identify themselves as CAIG team members to anyone outside of the Committee and only then on a strict need-to-know basis. The identities of CAIG officers are classified and will not be revealed to anyone outside of the operations group unless authorized by ‘Prince’ or Magic. All investigators will be issued local national law enforcement identification or other scientific study group ID. All CAIG reports will be classified initially at the level of CAIG-Secret or above and will be distributed at a restricted level only within CAIG headquarters subject to Magic review. No national teams will be assigned to CAIG. Only Committee personal will be used for CAIG operations. No hybrids, other than Excalibur personnel, will be allowed access to CAIG classified data or sources at any time, subject to Magic review. RMG

(S) All CAIG personal will carry side arms in the field and will be authorized to use deadly force in order to protect any CAIG personal, source or data. (Subject to Committee review)

(MS) Command facilities (underground) have been established in New York City and Sydney to store any equipment uncovered by CAIG operations. Efforts are underway to establish permanent offsite bases for investigation of such items at three remote locations. Several areas are being reconned and a final decision will be made within six months. These permanent headquarters operations bases will be at least 90% underground with no above ground indications such a facility is in residence at the underground location. The facilities will be referred to only as “The Farm.” Natural caves are being considered.



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(MS)Efforts to rebuild world military forces continue albeit on a much slower level than desirable. Naturally, renewed national interests come to the forefront when defensive measures are discussed however it is our job to blend these national interests into a seamless world defensive program. That goal has yet to be obtained. It is necessary to continue building a Committee based military organization alongside national military efforts in order to command sufficient forces to defend this planet. Command and control of national military forces must also become part of the Committee operational structure. This goal can be accomplished by placing high ranking Committee military officers into national military command positions. GD

(C)Several areas of vital concern are presently being addressed by the Committee. The Committee is presently developing a series of training protocols which when put into practice will standardize training for national army ground forces and naval units. Standardization of much equipment must also take priority as we must lower the number of supply chains needed to develop a one-world military structure. RMG

(S)Developments are now underway to design and build ten new aircraft carrying ships which when completed will be able to deploy from their decks at least 20 attack aircraft each in support of naval and army forces in battle formation. Aircraft are to be used for reconnaissance, ground attack, air superiority as well as light bombing. It is expected as new methods come on line these new carriers will become larger and faster with the capability to transport and deploy many different types of aircraft. JPM

(S)The Committee has ascertained that sufficient funds to meet minimal preparedness goals have not been forthcoming from national sources. Accordingly Committee controls over world monetary funding must be tightened in order to funnel sufficient new resources to meet program needs. In order to expand available funding Committee oil, mining and other vital raw material production must be increased to cover expanded needs.

(MS) As of this time back engineered Martian technology has been forthcoming but at a slow pace. It is suggested that manpower resources be diverted from other programs less urgent in order to increase the pace of acquiring military hardware from Martian ‘products’. This is critical in order to allow our forces access to the same weapons used by the Martians. With our vastly superior capabilities in population and production we can readily out produce any Martian efforts, but only if we can produce and field such weapons.

(MS) Wireless communication towers dedicated to world military communications are being built at several critical locations around the world (List attached). These towers are being built with future improvements in mind. It is expected that within ten years we will have completed a wireless tower infrastructure that will be operational over 75% of the Earth’s surface. Work is progressing on the cable backup system which will allow direct and unfettered cable communications into and out of most major strategic areas.

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(MS) Areas are presently being scouted with the view towards the storage of vital re-supply materials for military operations. These storage areas are to be built underground or in unused tunnels or in accessible natural caves. Materials to be stored will include, but will not be limited to fuel, food, water, maps of the area, radios and batteries, ammunition, rifles, hand held explosive devices, general clothing, medium sized trucks and other small vehicles, machine guns, motors and medical supplies.

(MS) The Committee is presently studying several locations to be built underground as command and control areas for world-wide military forces. These underground bases will need to be fully self-sufficient for periods of up to 30 days. Methods are now being studied for the construction of at least four underwater/underground support features for command/control of submarine forces.

(S) Plans have now been completed to bring world and Committee military leaders together once every year for strategic meetings on military advances. Lower level exchanges of personnel and meetings are to occur every three months at Committee Headquarters in the War Rooms which are now manned constantly.


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(MS-CoT) Resource Control: It is unfortunate that peace on Earth was not one of the lessons taken from the Great Earth War. With this in mind as discussed in closed session the first decision after the war by the Committee reversed earlier plans to sell off resources such as rail, shipping and mining interests. It has been decided to sell off no more than 45% of any “hard defense resource” in order to maintain central control of these resources and overall defense capabilities of the world. Few governments recovering in 1918 are thought to be sufficiently reliable to control any area deemed vital to planetary defense. Due to the bloody Great Earth War just concluded the Committee is beginning to distrust some of the reconstituted governments and this is an unfortunate situation for either side of the equation. The Committee has begun to formulate an unspoken, yet understood policy, which promotes leadership from Western capitalist nations with the United States and Great Britain leading the effort, with fewer members from the so-called new “left leaning socialist nations.” The Committee for all intent and purpose is dividing up the world. JDR

(MS-CoT) National Control: A new world organization will be formed under the direction and control of the Executive Committee of Twelve in order to regulate and if necessary confiscate the methods by which expansionist nations make war upon other nations. Strong Committee military forces must be enlarged and maintained in order to carry out such requirements. These forces must be deployed in regions where problems are expected to occur as well as being prepared to deploy in combat formation to any point on Earth should the need arise. Continued tight controls of monetary markets, critical raw materials, communication resources and trade routes are to be part of the organization’s mandate in order to insure compliance with world peace goals. Trade and other sanctions now being used against the three Lawless Zones would be extended to nations unwilling to comply with the new organization’s mandates.

(S) War Methods: Despite, or perhaps because of, the Great Earth War, mankind has developed deadlier ways to kill each other better than they have ever known before. Due to these advances Committee members met in executive session after hostilities ended in order to review and learn how best to advance these new methods, which have been developed and could perhaps be deployed during the expected upcoming war with Mars, now estimated to be no more than 15 years in the future.

(MS) Tactics: New tactical realities have shown that military ground forces cannot mass their ground forces in human wave attacks without expecting great losses of manpower. New Earth based weapons such as machine guns and massed artillery have proven to be very effective against massed attacks. Martian weapons can expect to inflict even greater casualties if massed human wave attacks are deployed against them as in the Martian War. We must develop better methods to mass our fires without massing our men. The best method of active military engagement has proven to be large tank formations with infantry support combined with superior strong air forces in combined attacks at different but supporting points moving with great speed and overwhelming firepower.

(MS) Air Forces: Control of the air will be a critical factor in any future war. Certainly the Martians can be expected to deploy large numbers of aerial attack craft. As in the Great Earth War these aerial platforms can perform a large array of tasks and we must develop as many uses for our aerial forces as possible including bombing, human aerial reconnaissance, photo reconnaissance, gas deployment, ground and air attack as well as deployment of

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specially trained forces jumping from special cargo aircraft.

(S) Standardization of weapons systems: This must be a priority in order to enable world defense forces the ability to fully interact with each other in the event of global conflict.

(S) Underground facilities: The Great Earth War has shown conclusively that deep-set bunkers and well-defended underground facilities can withstand a great deal of bombing before being breached. However, these bunkers cannot be expected to be stable as static defensive features as warfare to be effective must rely upon mobility of those forces as opposed to any fixed point. Any underground facility in order to be most effective in defense must be fully self-sufficient for at least a period of six months, defensible, and must be well supplied with modern weapons and ammunition as well as any other supplies needed to operate. Further, these major underground facilities must have sufficient military forces within their operational areas to be able to go on the offensive outside of their underground facilities when the need arises.

(MS) Poison Gas: The use of poison gas during the Great Earth War was effective in killing or disabling many thousands of troops, but not enough to change the outcome of any major engagement. Nevertheless, holding stockpiles of artillery shells, mortar shells and aerial bombs loaded with several varieties of deadly gases is recommended in order to be available to use on Martians if the need arises. Martian Black Smoke was used extensively during the Martian War and we can expect it will be used in any future conflicts. We must be fully prepared to use such gas on them as they would on us.

(S) Aerial Combat: Close in aerial combat is expected with Martian Flying Machines. Experience has shown this will involve a large percentage of casualties as we saw in the Great Earth War. We must be prepared to support very large aerial forces in any future conflict.

(S) Submarine warfare: Submarine warfare proved effective in sinking large numbers of cargo as well as war craft surface vessels. However, to be fully effective in any future conflict this submarine force must be able to operate over much larger areas and for much longer periods of time. These forces must also be able to deploy numerous weapon systems to effectively engage enemy aerial as well as ground forces.

(S) Communication: Experience has shown that the ability to communicate with active military forces engaged in battle instantly is a critical factor in winning any modern conflict. We must develop new methods of communication that are not only effective at longer ranges but easily transportable for all military and responsible civilian Command and Control organizations.

(S) Special Operations: Special military teams trained for specific military duties beyond standard operational tasks must be trained and pre-positioned in order to conduct unique operations. Recon, behind-the-lines attack, non-conventional force training, intelligence gathering, point assassination are but a few of the areas which could be part of the duties of these new highly trained units.

(S) Map Data: The ability to produce and distribute reliable and updated maps must become a part of all military planning and operations down to company level. A new geographic/photo map organization must be put into operation at the earliest possible date.


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Copyright © R. Michael Gordon, 2020


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