[PART 44]

“Two Plates Lip-to-Lip”

27 October 1927

Continuing the suspected work of reconnaissance and potential abduction, what was originally thought to be a small Martian aerial craft paid an unwanted visit to a large farm near Cherry Creek, New York on the 27th of October. This sighting was worrisome as it had come very close to several of our highly classified underground facilities. The object was first spotted close to the ground by a 16-year-old boy, whose attention was drawn to strange noises coming from a tethered bull, “like I never heard to come from an animal before.” Looking in the direction of the very disturbed animal, the young man saw a flying craft reported to be silvery and football-shaped “like two plates, lip to lip.” He further reported that the object was 50 feet long and 20 feet thick, “giving off a real dark grayish vapor and a buzzing sound.”

I -1927-UFO
UFO spotted on 27 October 1927

As he began to move towards the object, it briefly disappeared behind a stand of trees. Now running towards it, the object “shot up into the clouds, turning them green from its reflected light and giving off the odor of burned gasoline.” It was at this point, the boy ran to the farm house to report the sighting to his family. As his mother phoned the authorities – being told that Trooper E. J. Haas would soon be on his way – a 16-year-old girl who had been staying with the well off family ran back into the house to report that “the thing has returned!” She and three boys were soon running towards the object which was some 700 feet away moving across a field and displaying “a yellowish glow.” It soon flew away at a very fast pace towards the north.

When Trooper Haas arrived, he accompanied the young witnesses to the place where the object had first been sighted. At this location they became aware of a pungent odor and saw, on the ground, a purplish substance that smelled and looked like thick oil. Some of this oily material was taken by the trooper and was soon on its way to a Committee lab not far from New York City. We later received a report that the substance consisted of oil as well as some type of bio-stringent, a combination which was new to the members of the lab. As for the small craft – if it was Martian in origin it did not seem to make any hostile moves nor were any people harmed in any way – if it was Martian! This one was placed in the “Unknown” column.

Continuing to Build for Defense

Tunnels of all kinds seemed to be in progress at so many locations around the world, it was becoming difficult for any one person to keep track of all the work. There were of course several projects that had caught my eye for one reason or another. One such project I do remember was New York City’s Holland Tunnel. I happened to be in the city at the time of its dedication.


On 19 November, United States President Calvin Coolidge dedicated the new Holland Tunnel recently completed linking Manhattan and Jersey City. He did so from his office in New Washington Center by touching a golden lever on the White House telegraphic instrument, which sent an electric signal to Manhattan. The signal then went under the Hudson River via the tunnel to the Jersey City side of the tunnel, causing two large American flags to slowly separate, officially opening this new underwater/underground tunnel.

Because the new tunnel allowed cars and trucks using regular gasoline as well as electric vehicles to pass through, the biggest problem in its construction was not the actual excavation but the ventilation of accumulated carbon monoxide gases. Committee scientists were able to show that as few as 4 parts per 10,000 in the air of carbon monoxide was a danger, and any higher could be deadly. With this in mind, Chief Engineer Clifford Holland built two ten story structures on each side of the river, which house 84 ventilating fans. This system was based upon the designs previously used to keep fresh air moving into the underground cities, which were also worked on by Holland. This ventilating system uses half of the fans to blow fresh air into the tunnel below the riding surface through large vents. The other set of fans pull air through large ducts built into the ceiling of the tunnel. It is reported that this system changes the air in the tunnel once every 90 seconds.

Fire is also a potential problem in all tunnels and underground work. To manage any fires, the tunnel features fire teams’ stationed mid-tunnel in an underground fire station, as well as having a pre-set group of fire engines on standby at both ends of the tunnel.

Unfortunately, Mr. Holland was not able to attend the opening, as he had died before the work could be completed. He died in 1924 of heart failure. At the dedication, his wife would recall, “Evening after evening he remained at work. Our dinner hour was always uncertain. If we induced him to attend the theater, he always went back to the tunnel afterward, spending hours in the field offices and personally supervising the work.”

When Holland graduated from Harvard in 1906 (the first class to do so after the Martian war) he went to work for the Committee. He would be soon working on tunnel projects around the world. Upon his arrival, he said, “I am going into tunnel work, and I am going to put a lot more into it than I’ll ever be paid for.’ He was right.


Continuing to “wire the world” found Committee and several national teams working on secondary cable systems in several areas around the world. Many nations led by the Americans and Europe had put it upon themselves to lay underground cables linking their major population centers. This work was not only encouraged by the Committee, but funding and engineering help was steadily flowing into these projects. Most of this Committee funding came directly from monies taken from our international operations and national cable resources which were being leased to private corporations and smaller companies around the world. For the most part these new cable links were self-funded. The more that were laid the more profit could be taken and re-invested in the cable expansion. It did not take long for these new cables to take on the new telephone systems as well. Despite the costs in both time and funding this backup system would prove its worth in the years to come.

By the end of 1927 the American Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg had begun to circulate a document that called for the “outlawing of war.” (On Earth only, of course. No one expected the Martians presently orbiting our Earth or the ones on Mars for that matter to simply lay down their arms and give up on the planet.) With a view backwards to the disaster of the Great Earth War and forward to the real possibility of a second war with Mars, Kellogg wanted world governments to focus on cooperation rather than national expansion. In the end, the ‘treaty’ could boast the signatures of representatives from some 62 nations, who pledged to never go to war with each other. Unfortunately, there was nothing in the treaty that provided any means to enforce the provision.

In the meantime, the United States found itself attempting to put down a local insurrection in Nicaragua. From 1927 to 1928 the United States and Committee forces engaged local rebels and thereafter enforced Martial Law that would last for the next 28 months. Humans were still fighting among themselves. One may be certain that we were still amusing the Martians on both accounts. One propaganda report smuggled out of the MLZ took note of the work of the United States and Committee forces in Nicaragua. “The Colossus of the North, enriched by the Great Earth War, swollen with imperialistic pride, continues shamefully to trample down the rights of little nations.”

There were still many reports coming out of the Mexican Lawless Zone (MLZ) which caused the Committee a great deal of concern, with one particular bloody report making its way to the newspapers and magazines. It was smuggled out of the MLZ and was reported to be from a man referred to as War Minister Joaquin Amaro. The sheer brutality of the many attacks clearly showed that these MLZ people were simply not civilized. They would continue to be a problem.

As the Guadalajara-Mexico City Express neared La Barca in Jalisca, a train ran at full speed upon two rails from which attacking Indians had removed the spikes, and crashed to a sudden stop. The object of the attack was the soldier train guards, but the infuriated hills men dealt death to everyone in the line of fire. Of the passengers in the two second-class cars, numbering over 100, scarcely one escaped injury or death. These wooden cars were perforated, as though cardboard, by bullets from the high power rifles of the peasants.

The battle was in semi-darkness, for the moon had not yet risen, and the train cars were not lighted. Toward the end of the ghastly scene the moon began to rise, and in the obscure light the commanding form of a priest in priestly robes could be seen urging on the hills men to the work of destruction. Amid the shrieking of women, crying of children and shouts of desperation of the men on the doomed train, the battle went on. It was an uneven fight to the last. Then the work of destruction began. The safe was broken open in the express car and the contents, amounting to $200,000 in gold and silver coins, were extracted.

At the same time, reports came in of executions related to the so-called ‘presidential election’. One of the two opposition candidates had been taken from his hotel room and summarily shot, along with 13 generals and several private citizens. In closed session, the Magic Twelve saw “no reason to remove the Lawless Zone status from the Mexican area.” The Directors reported that, “Clearly with these and many other incidents far too numerous to recount, the inhabitants of the MLZ are still very far from becoming civilized.” “Limited resources will not be used on areas which show no sign of civilized behavior. We will not waste time or money on people who continue to act like animals. These lawless areas must therefore be written off until such time as resources or events make international intervention necessary, and not until.” For the time being, the people of the MLZ were on their own. My own aid asked: “When will those people ever learn?” I did not have an answer.

Later, in private conversation with three of the Directors the thought was expressed that we should look at the possibility of somehow directing potential future Martian attacks towards these Lawless Zones (cannon fodder) thus saving lives in other “more productive areas.” A study was in fact implemented which indicated that powerful radio transmitters placed in Lawless Zones could well be used to attract Martian attacks and thus spare other areas. Nevertheless, as far as I am aware, the plan was never put into effect.

The High Energy Work Continues

December 1927 found James Chadwick hard at work on the radium problem. By the end of the month, he would announce to the world that he had discovered a fundamental particle he called the neutron. Within three months, the team of Ernest Walton, Gregory Breit and John Cockcroft would actually “split the atom” by firing particles from another atomic nucleus at an atom. The device known as an “atom smasher” needed a great deal of power to run, which was supplied by a five million volt Tesla coils. History would record that this was the first time on Earth that mankind had, by artificial means, changed the atomic nucleus of one element into another. The dream of alchemists for centuries had actually occurred. The method had been found which could produce a “chain reaction” in order to release the energy of an atomic weapon. Needless to say, the weapon’s research was not part of the press announcement, as energy production filled the pages.

Team members Enrico Fermi, Irene and Frederic Joliot-Curie along with both Walton and Cockcroft also reported their results to the Committee. Now they needed enough material to put an experiment together to create a controlled “chain reaction.” With several mining operations now ready to “gear up” it would not be long before they would have their material. The theories had been correct. Now we needed to turn this difficult work into a viable device we could use in our defense.

At the same meeting, Nikola Tesla released his latest internal document describing the work he and his team had conducted on particle beam weapons. Tesla had been working on such a directed-energy weapon as he called it since 1905, and now he felt he had made enough technical advances to actually produce the device. His report entitled The Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-despersive Energy through the Natural Media naturally caused a great deal of excitement within the working groups. They were very interested in learning the details of the device and how soon they could expect to see it demonstrated. There was an audible grown from the men assembled when he told them it would take as long as six years “perhaps even longer” before a production model would be ready to put in the field. Nevertheless, he did tell them that his new “super weapon would put an end to all war.” Not everyone was really convinced by his enthusiasm, but once again we approved the funding. After all, Dr. Tesla had not failed yet, so we all went along with the good Dr. Tesla. But, could he and his team deliver a weapon in time to be used against an interplanetary enemy? No one had a ready answer for that question, not even the enigmatic Dr. Tesla.

Tesla informed the group, “Members, the nozzle of the weapon will send concentrated beams of particles through the free air, of such tremendous energy that they will bring down a fleet of 1000 enemy airplanes at a distance of 100 miles from a defending nation’s border and will cause armies to drop dead in their tracks. Despite the difficulty in design, assembly and testing, I have confidence that a large immobile test stand of such a device will be ready to demonstrate the process in as little as four years. The great problem after the device has proven to be successful will be to reduce the mechanical aspects of the weapon that will allow the device to be deployed in the field. This is the great technical challenge we face today, and the reason why it will take some eight or so years to complete the work. However, if a ship of necessary size and durability can be built, such a device will be able to be housed within its hull and will thus give us a formidable weapon on the seas. This of course could only affect those enemy forces deployed on or near the oceans and so far as experience shows Martians do not maneuver well over such surface areas, but if they do this weapon would be of great use.” It was also suggested that rail lines could deploy the new weapons.

Ending his presentation, Tesla gave some details in his usual animated way concerning how the device operated. A very small team of three would be all that would be needed in the field.

“We find here an open-ended vacuum tube. It has a gas jet seal that holds the vacuum, but allows passage of the high-speed particles to exit. The directed particles charged to millions of volts become a non-despersive particle stream by a method we call electrostatic repulsion. Such a narrow stream of particles, actually the atomic clusters of mercury moved from a liquid to a super liquid, is then magnified through the transformer here. Exiting the barrow of the weapon the particles move at nearly the speed of light, and as Dr. Einstein has shown a very small amount of mass – the particles – will produce a vast amount of energy which will impact the object it is fired at causing the object to disintegrate into tiny pieces of matter in much, much less than a second.” The Committee membership was dutifully impressed, but they would have been even more so if Tesla had produced a working model.


This test had been set up in the Manhattan area of Lower-New York City in a large auditorium which would allow a large viewing audience of Committee members. On hand to conduct the test were Walter S. Gifford, President of the new American Telephone & Telegraph Company, and his staff. Vice President of AT & T General J. J. Carty had set up his device and his teams in an underground facility in New Washington Center.

“Hello General, you’re looking fine. I see you have your glasses on.”

From a loudspeaker set up next to the small 2 x 2-1/2 inch television screen came the booming bass voice of General Carty.

“Does it – ah – does it flatter me?”

“Yes. I think it’s an improvement.”

A reporter from Time magazine would report to his readers.

In Washington, Secretary of Commerce [Herbert] Hoover talked next. Over the telephone wires his voice, his face, the minutest movements of his lips and head were brought to the watchers and listeners in [Lower-] Manhattan. As he spoke into the transmitter, small circles of light moved across his face so rapidly that they seemed to bathe it in a uniform bluish light. The variations in light and shade, changed into electrical impulses, traveled to [Lower-] Manhattan over the wires. There the moving picture was re-assembled. On a small screen, the speaker’s face and movements appeared distinct and clear; on a large one they were distorted badly. Television requiring bulky and expensive apparatus does not yet loom as a standard addition to the home telephone. But theater audiences, in the not too distant future, may see super newsreels of prize-fights, [ship] launching, and inaugurations, broadcast directly from the scene of the event.

Later that year one of our younger engineers working on extended electronic programs was busy in San Francisco (much recovered from the 1906 ‘event’) transmitting over a short distance the first electronic image. The world would hear from Philo Farnsworth in the near future in the new field of television. His next step would be a full demonstration in Lower-London to the Committee. When he made his “TV” work, even the usually unflappable Nicola Tesla could not contain himself. “We are witnessing the future.” It did not take long for the discussion to turn to ways this new technology could be used to closely monitor any Martian attacks in the future if the equipment could be deployed in sufficient numbers at critical places on Earth.

Before long, the “television people” would be working with those teams laying cables around the world to devise a plan to place television cameras in remote test locations to monitor local activities. The original work was crude by future standards to say the least, but the method of “remote observation” by television cameras did work. We had no doubt that in the future as these devices became more robust and more reliable they could be used to help define where potential enemy activity occurred and possibly give our forces intelligence on Martian activities in areas where no one was watching, such as in polar areas. Closer to home it was suggested that these cameras, when they were improved, could work over extended periods of time and could be used to monitor activities in both above and below ground cities and military centers. All the better to have electronic eyes when an attack occurred. We were soon testing how well such a system might work in Lower-Sydney. And even though Committee headquarters felt that cameras may be seen as an intrusion by the rough and tumble self-reliant people of Lower-Sydney, the people soon took the small camera test areas to heart, going so far as “dressing up for the cameras.”

Later, it was suggested that television could be used to send live images and sound to remote locations of concerts or perhaps even sporting events. I, for one, felt that there would be little interest in watching a football match on a small 2-1/2 square inch screen in shades of gray. What could one really see? Another question I had was how would this broadcast medium be financially supported? I can’t see anyone just sitting in front of one of these things, listing to some sales pitch! No, I think a military application would be the best way to use this new technology.

End of the Ports Recovery Program

December 1927

December 1927 saw the end of the original Ports Recovery Program, as it had been funded and organized in 1902. Twenty-five years of work had brought back a world-wide system of ports and related facilities to a point where local national governments were now able to continue on their own. Naturally, the Committee continued to receive 2% of the port revenues. The Ports Recovery Program personnel would now focus primarily on being fully prepared to respond to any disaster – natural or otherwise – when it came to the world’s ports and canal systems. Their budget was now around thirty percent of what it had been with a correspondingly smaller staff, but the new group would have plenty of resources to do the work ahead, which included the construction of portable floating dock facilities around the world (at 22 prime locations) that could be built, hidden from view, and floated to needed locations in the event of disaster. These were to be our hidden backup facilities. Even if all of our ports had been put out of operation by Martian attacks, these hidden docks (with groups of men stationed on them in time of war ready to put them into operation) could be floated out and set up in seven days. We would under the best of conditions have at least twenty-two docks up and running around the world.

Added to their workload would be the inspection of canals and advisors to the many nations on port and canal operations. They were also required to build several floating ship repair facilities which were to also be hidden in designated sea-cave areas and for the most part sealed off until needed. This work along with the new floating dock facilities were thought of as a world-wide reserve port system in the event of interplanetary war. This was a direct response to the lessons learned during the First Martian War. We wanted to cut the time it took to recover from another world war if it should come to Earth.

On 14 January 1928 headquarters issued an Executive Briefing Paper “Rocket and Beam-Weapons Development” (EBP 1928-1).


EBP 1928-1

January 14, 1928



(S) All rocket and beam weapon developed programs are fully funded and we are beginning to obtain promising results along several lines of investigation. Back engineering teams are reporting that although the Martians deployed only one type of Beam Weapon (i.e. Heat-Ray) we can expect to eventually develop several types of weapons based on Martian and human research.

(MS) The rocket teams are presently being led by Dr. Robert Goddard and the beam weapon’s team is presently led by Dr. Nikola Tesla. With the exception of large tests unpractical for underground experimentation at this time, both groups now work completely underground.

(MS) Both teams however are building (digging) underground test facilities to accommodate powerful tests of weapon systems which we must keep secret from Martian spies. These facilities will be operational within six years – two for beam weapons tests and four for rocket tests. The rocket tests are being designed to ‘fly’ along rails in and underground facility for eight miles. Later use will include these test facilities being transformed into living and working facilities for both civilians and military personal.

(MS) Beam weapons development teams are presently developing a hand held beam weapon, a small truck carrying beam weapon as well as a much larger permanent structure beam weapon expected to have a stationary range of some five miles. These new weapons are expected to be deployed with our forces within 48 months.

(MS) The Tesla teams are working on several deployable bombs to be held at the tips of these rockets as long range artillery devices.

(MS) The Goddard teams are also developing several small scientific payloads designed to be placed into sub-orbit and eventually in orbit around the Earth. Radio technology is the key to controlling these rocket devices; a problem of the highest priority for both teams.









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EBP 1928-1

‘Vaults for Mankind’ Completed

Just a bit ahead of schedule, we saw the four primary, ‘Vaults for Mankind’ projects completed when the final touches were put on the vault rooms in Lower-Sydney. By now, the vaults program had included smaller ‘city vaults’ in just about every population center on Earth, right down to many small towns. There was simply no way any Martian attack, no matter how devastating the effects were, could erase mankind’s history now being held by these widely spaced facilities. Even the backups had backups! Andrew Carnegie’s great project was now ready to store literally millions of artifacts, books and other precious items related to the great works of mankind. As an example, some books included works by Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Thomas Jefferson, Walter Scott, and Rudyard Kipling as well as thousands of other authors spanning some 5000 years of written world history. There would also be included a section set aside for pre-written “text” in the form of photographs taken of rock carvings and rock paintings from around the world, as well as several large and intact works removed from their original locations and stored underground. Plans were in place to replace these items to their original locations if and when the extra-planetary danger had passed. Naturally, there was a very large section for general photographs and original negatives, as well as research/reading rooms to access the files.

In the famous ancient Library of Alexandria, the Museion, in the very shadow of the lighthouse of Pharos, history records that over 500,000 volumes had been placed there by Ptolemy Soter and others assembled in great rooms before the library was destroyed by the Romans. It is said that they fired the baths of Rome for six months as they burned the handwritten scrolls. This was but one of the major losses to mankind of literature and history we shall never recover. With this sad tale very much in mind we were determined to save as much as we could from the destructive Martians. And even though less than two percent of what we could place into the Vaults For Mankind project would be one of a kind originals, we still made certain that as many different types of books and other artifacts would find a place in the vaults. As far as books were concerned, each primary vault would eventually hold over one million volumes. We expected to take at least five years to fill the bookshelves alone before filling in the “collection rooms” with artifacts from the people of Earth. One of a kind pieces were photographed, with the photos sent to several locations. The negatives were also stored for safety reasons in other locations. Our backups had backups.

It is interesting to note that the Committee made certain to include all data we had on the Martians, including samples of every piece of equipment we could find that they had brought to Earth. They were of course, despite their brutal nature, now a full part of mankind’s history and if we did not survive we needed to be able to show that part of our history to possible “others” that may come later. This included as full a history of our contacts with the Martians as we could put together. I could not help but wonder if the Martians had also stored away vast amounts of their historical artifacts as they began to vacate the planet’s surface. They had certainly brought to Earth many electronic files representing their science and history. What wonders would their vaults hold, and would we someday stand before them, taking in all that their ancient civilization had accomplished? It did not take long for the Vaults staff to become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of material being shipped to the underground locations. Order needed to be put into place, and soon. This of course meant that we needed to up the program’s budget and increase the manpower involved in the work. This was one project we all wanted to see done as well as we could. It could not be done in any haphazard manner. The Vaults’ records needed to be accurate and well maintained.

During the official opening, J. P. Morgan took the opportunity to announce that he was donating $200,000 to help equip an entire floor of the new 12-story underground medical center at L-165th Street and L-Broadway. His floor would focus on the new Neurological Institute Research Center in memory of his late wife.


At one point I had the opportunity to look over a rather long partial list of the books which had been placed in the nearby London Underground vault. I was very much impressed with not only the quality but the quantity of the works. Naturally, being a member of the Committee, I borrowed a few requiring only a signature. To name but a few, my borrowing card listed:

The Aeneid – Vergil

Moby Dick – Herman Melville

The Art of War – Sun Tzu

Nicholas Nickleby – Charles Dickens

Beowulf – Unknown

The Odyssey – Homer

The Canterbury Tales – Geoffrey Chaucer

Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens

A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

On the Origin of Species – Charles Darwin

Dracula – Bram Stoker

Republic – Plato

The Federalist Papers – Hamilton, Madison, Jay

A Tale of Two Cities – Charles Dickens

Gulliver’s Travels – Jonathan Swift

Tarzan of the Apes – Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Iliad – Homer

The Time Machine – Herbert G. Wells

The Inferno – Dante Alighieri

Treasure Island – Robert Louis Stevenson

Ivanhoe – Walter Scott

War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy

The Jungle Book – Rudyard Kipling

The War of the Worlds – Herbert G. Wells

Les Miserables – Victor Hugo

Withering Heights – Emily Bronte

Little Women – Louisa May Alcott

Underground Livestock

It has been said that “man does not live by bread alone”. With this in mind, we needed to find usable methods which would allow the raising of livestock and all that this implied completely underground. This would be no easy project, and no one expected the solution to come in only a few years. Nevertheless, we began to work on the problem. Feeding the livestock, controlling their waste and keeping the animals calm and fully under control were the key issues to solve. No one at the time had any idea how this could be accomplished. This was all new ground to cover.

The primary areas of great concern were the gases and other waste expected to be expelled by these animals. With this in mind, pens needed to be designed which could pump out methane gas and pump in fresh supplies of filtered air from the outside. As with the underground food production areas, it was felt that these pens did not need to look like underground cities. Large, strongly reinforced open areas in the rock and soil would do as long as they were solid, well lit and ventilated. The people who would work in these areas were not expected to live there, only care for the animals during their work day. The program would focus on cows, goats, pigs and chickens to begin with as we searched for the correct methods and animal combinations to make this program work. And this was more than simply keeping enough animals around for meat. We needed to ensure that as many animal species roaming around the planet as possible would survive. In five years, the team responsible for the Sydney facility would open the first underground Zoo!

It was expected that the large “closed in pen areas” would also be supplemented by small “farm areas” which would be open to the general lower city sections. These would have an overall psychological effect of adding one more layer of ‘normal’ activity to the lives of the people living underground. We did not intend for there to be a great many of these open farm areas, but a few would indeed be most welcome, and they would become test areas for this type of activity. They would be added to the many small gardens which the people had planted in many underground locations in most of the large underground facilities. We were truly beginning to adapt to life underground.

One of the first decisions engineers made was to place these “large animal farms” on the extreme edges of the underground cities. They also decided to make them completely self-contained as far as being able to seal them off from the rest of the facilities. In the event they were unable to work out all the problems or any major problems developed, the areas could be closed-off and forgotten. The second decision was to use the underground facilities only on a part-time basis. This meant that the animals would be moved from the underground areas to above ground locations (near and connected) for most of the time. Only during an actual war with Mars, or for that matter any other potential off-world protagonist, would the animals spend all of their time underground. This greatly reduced the costs of construction and operation, as now the pens could be considered holding areas for most of the time rather than full-time operational areas. It also helped greatly reduce the amount of waste created underground by these animals. If there became a need to keep these animals for extended periods of time, a decision would be made to reduce their numbers to a much smaller, sustainable number. They could be turned into fresh meat at a moment’s notice, with a much smaller number held for later breeding programs.

With Committee approval, the Nevada based Humboldt Star in the western United States began running a series of articles on 13 May 1928 designed to slowly inform the public of the historic aspects of giant hybrids who had lived in many areas around the world for thousands of years. The articles were designed to speak of these ‘giants’ in historic terms that would lead the readers to believe that even though these great individuals had been living in many ancient areas, they were no longer part of Earth’s continuing history even though many of these reports were not so many years ago.

The primary story centered around a nine-foot-tall red-haired mummy with six toes on each foot which had been discovered inside the Lovelock Cave some twenty miles south of the small town of Lovelock, Nevada. The cave was in the process of being turned into a small bomb shelter entered through a ten foot tall forty foot long entrance tunnel, ending in a 40 foot by 180 foot wide cave. The cave was being cleared out and reinforced for occupation before a series of twenty tunnels were scheduled to be cut into the volcanic rock face each expected to run at least 100 yards.

The local Piute Indians had an ancient oral tradition in which they had battled giants, ending in a battle around the cave. The giants having been trapped in the cave succumbed to smoke which had come from sagebrush piled up in front of the cave and set on fire. We had heard these stories in 1911 when the work had begun, but this was the first time the public had been told about the discovery.

This report included remains unearthed in several mounds in the Mississippi area estimated at eight feet height and buried with swords and axes made of copper, and several with full sets of copper armor. Data from Horsehief Butte, which had been visited by none other than Lewis and Clack on 24 October 1805 included photos and drawings of petroglyphs depicting “alien beings and mystical craft.”

Attached to this report was a re-discovered writing from 16th century Dominican friar Diego Duran. “It cannot be denied that there have been giants in this country. I can affirm this as an eyewitness, for I have met men of monstrous stature here (Mexico). I believe that there are many in Mexico who will remember, as I do, a giant Indian who appeared in a procession of the feast of Corpus Christi. He appeared dressed in yellow silk and a halberd at his shoulder and a helmet on his head. And he was all of three feet taller than the others.”


Committee Report (C) 28-262 – Mid-East, 4 November 1928, 2:14 p.m.

Royal Air Force airmen flying newly designated airmail routes between Baghdad and Cairo have spotted in the lava fields of Syria, eastern Jordan and Arabia, hundreds of miles from populated areas, thousands of elaborate “stone wheels” measuring from 40 to 70 meters (120-220 feet) wide and visible from the sky. Photos of these “wheels” have been taken. When assembled, they appear to represent several constellations appearing in our night skies. Orion seems to be the most popular depicted on these vast areas.



Copyright © R. Michael Gordon, 2020

[Next week: Part 45: Polar work and an attack on Lower-New York.]

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