!!!NEW!!! Use our music on all social media for a small donation! !!!NEW!!!
If you want to use our music also for instagram, facebook, twitch, podcasts etc.get your info here:

or shorturl.at/ciqx7 FREE LICENSE (only for youtubers):
use this music in as many youtube videos as you like and monetize it! We guarantee you never face copyright problems concerning our music
BUT you have to give credits in the video description as follows:

——————– copy & paste——————————————–
royalty free Music by Giorgio Di Campo for @FreeSound Music

original video:

If you want to use our music outside of youtube please purchase it, including our PREMIUM LICENSE for nearly unlimited usage in commercial and non commercial projects as websites, adds, point of sale, shops, bars etc.

link to online order form:

If you want a special title from our youtube channel and can’t find it in our webshop please feel free to contact us – we can make it available!

Giorgio Di Campo on Spotify:

#royaltyfree #gemafrei #nocopyrightmusic
Don’t forget to subscribe and spread the word!
there will be more tracks soon

5 easy steps how to put our 100% royalty free music in your video clips:
1. Choose the music you like best for your clip
2. convert the video to mp3
3. sync the mp3 to your clip
4. upload your video to your channel
5. add song title and the link to the music clip on our Freesoundmusic channel in your description.

all photographs are provided by www.pixabay.com

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