ā€˜Iā€™m the only man in this world who can love her. Therefore, Iā€™m the only man in this world who can hurt her. Because true pain only comes from loving someone. Itā€™s a lesson weā€™ve both learned, and we both live by. Sheā€™s my beginning. And she will be my end.ā€™

The Resurrection (Unlawful Men #3) by Jodi Ellen Malpas was simply outstanding; it was magnificent. We fell in love with this series in The Brit, we were wowed by The Enigma and now, well, weā€™re completely bowled over by The Resurrection. What an amazing series penned by this Author. There truly is no doubt now, this is our favourite series by Jodi Ellen Malpas and The Resurrection is now our all-time favourite book of hers. Incredibly well written, in fact, it was stunningly flawless, The Resurrection captured us from the first page, kept us riveted throughout, and had us on the edge of our seats with the dramatic twists, the vengeful suspense, and the unadulterated passion. We couldnā€™t put it down, The Resurrection played out before our eyes as we went on a rollercoaster journey with Danny, Rose, James, and Beau. To have the proverbial ā€˜ballsā€™ to write a four POV story and for it to come across so incredibly fluid and effortless, well that is not a simple feat, but Jodi Ellen Malpas nailed it!

ā€˜Weā€™re no longer hidden by death. Weā€™re no longer invulnerable. We have something to live for. And we need to be careful.ā€™

Weā€™re not going to go into any elements of The Resurrection as it would be unfair to spoil it for potential readers who are yet to pick this series up. What we will say is, pick this series up, now! For readers who love their organised crime tropes, their anti-heroes, erotic passion, angst, and drama, do not hesitate, you must pick up the Unlawful Men series by Jodi Ellen Malpas. Itā€™s a must-read that will have you ā€˜bum to seatā€™ as you devour each installment, immediately grabbing the next, needing to know what could possibly happen next! And if you have already read The Brit and The Enigma, wow have you got something amazing in store for you when you pick up this third installment.

ā€œWe bagged ourselves murderers. Weā€™re living the fucking dream, Rose.ā€

The Brit, Danny Black, and The Enigma, James Kelly are without question two of our favourite anti-heroes. These men are magnificent in their own right, but when they join forces, they are out of this world. Weā€™d love to be the meat in this sandwich! But letā€™s not forget Rose Cassidy and Beau Hayley, two strong, passionate, and feisty women who give as good as they get and love their men with their entire beings. A love that is entirely and wholeheartedly reciprocated. The sexual chemistry is explosive, yet also somewhat toxic!

ā€œOh baby, youā€™re one of the only people in this world I would never kill, and yet I want to kill you the most.ā€
ā€œMake it bloody.ā€

This magnetic foursomeā€™s journey to unmask The Bear and end him as well as the incessant hold he has over them all is one of violence, suspense, and drama. We cannot stress how well-written this particular storyline was. We felt it like we were there, experiencing it, living it. In fact, it felt as if we were watching a movie. Alongside we lived the personal journey each couple goes on which is one of healing, love, and passion. Intermittent humour breaks up the dark with perfect comedic timing. Itā€™s dark in every which way, itā€™s emotionally enticing, itā€™s scorchingly hot and utterly compelling. If we could give this wild ride of a book more than five stars we would, in a heartbeat! Is it too early to call out that weā€™ve found a favourite read of the year in the third week of January 2022?

ā€œYouā€™re bringing more hope into my world. I donā€™t want to hate, baby. I want to love and be loved. Treasure and be treasured. I want life, I want youā€¦ā€

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