Modern Afro-Cuban Jazz featuring Carlos Averhoff Jr – 12 8 22 ,

Carlos Averhoff Jr- Saxophone
plays music from his new album ‘Together’ with;

Christian Valdez- Piano
Luis Avila- Drums
Guillermo Lopez- Bass

Tonights show sponsored by An Anonymous Donor

Special thanks to Scott White & Kawai Piano Gallery (Plano, TX)

The Live Streams for the 2022-23 season are sponsored by the John and Bonnie Strauss Foundation.

Concert Hall and Shigeru Grand Piano provided by
Kawai Piano Gallery-Plano, TX

Videography by Ken Boome (assisted by Aubrey Seaton)
2nd Floor Audio/Video/Livestream

Proceeds benefit Keys For Kids foundation.
Donations Taken Via PayPal
@DallasJazzPianoSoc or


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